Hey there! I’m Olivia Wyles, the author, photographer, and creative force behind this very website. I create and share quick + easy keto recipes using 5-7 ingredients with real life in mind — picky-eater approved so the whole family will love — as well as low carb & sugar-free desserts to help you survive the holidays. I’ve also got meal prep down to a science, able to squeeze an entire month’s worth of dinners into 2 hours.
In April 2021, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which led me to launch my digital resources shop with visual guides for the keto diet.
I created the Ultimate Keto Beginners Bundle with visual learners in mind, complete with the basic keto quick start guide, visual guides, printable recipe sheets, and printable trackers.
I’m the author of Quick + Easy Keto Recipes, a digital cookbook curated to provide only the easiest and best keto recipes made for real life presented in a visually appealing way.
Featured on TODAY.com, HuffPost, Women’s World, and Porch.com!
You can learn more about me on this page. So glad to have you here! I can’t wait to share this exciting journey with you.
Easy Keto Recipes! 5-7 Ingredients or Less
About Olivia
5 Fun Facts About Olivia
1) I was born and raised in Walton County, Florida, which is near Destin, Panama City, Seaside (where they filmed the Truman Show) and Pensacola. Lots of tourist towns! I am probably one that last remaining natives around here.
2) I built my first computer at 13, and my favorite thing to do was play Crayola Art Studio which had to be installed with 6 floppy disks – remember those? I fell in love with video games, specifically Tomb Raider and the Sims. Later on, it was World of Warcraft, where I met my husband of 11 years!
3) My love for cooking came from my dad. He was always experimenting with different recipes especially for hot sauces and BBQ sauces, plus growing blueberries and harvesting honey from bees. I got my entrepreneurial spirit from my dad. He and I have so many ideas! We are always wishing we could clone ourselves so we could get all of those ideas out into the world quicker.
4) I got my work ethic from my mom. Plus she is who I think of when I create my easy recipes. She is the busiest person I know, so if she can make my recipes, anyone can! Both of us have ADHD, so we both had to learn to adapt in a neurotypical world. That’s how I discovered I was a visual learner which helped me develop my visual digital products.
5) I have a Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Business Management with a concentration on Human Resources. When I graduated high school, I wanted to be either an actress or a teacher. I feel like I found a way to be both.
Follow me for keto recipes for real life!
My Support System
I grew up surrounded by family, both my mom and dad’s families would get together for family gatherings for holidays and that always meant food. Potato salad, orange fluff salad, chicken salad…why is it always mayo and whipped cream? It was really hard to say no. That’s where I got the idea to make holiday guides to help people stick with it during the keto diet. That was always where my family would stumble, so I wanted to help.
I live in Freeport, FL with my two girls, and my husband Jeffrey.
I want to make it so easy for people to understand my recipes & guides by keeping things simple and straightforward. I don’t like to beat around the bush or include unnecessary information. Why?
1) I struggle getting things on the first try. I get frustrated if I have to dig deeper and research more and more, then I get bored and give up.
2) My mom. She is the person I think of when I come up with a recipe. She is the busiest person I know with a VP corporate job in the healthcare industry. So if my mom approves then you know it’s easy peasy. She is the “throw a quick recipe together” queen with the super power to put on a party with less than 24 hours notice.
About This Food Blog
I started my blog in January 2018 as a hobby to help other people better their lives. I love to research and teach so I started writing lifestyle guides. Coincidentally, I started the keto diet just before starting my blog.
I wrote a recipe round-up post for the best tasting keto diet recipes. And those recipes really were & are my favorites to this day! That post was very popular so I decided to keep writing more and more about the keto diet, until I finally realized that I was no longer writing a lifestyle blog but instead I was a food blogger talking about easy keto recipes that have helped me and my family.
So I fully embraced keto and set forth to find the easiest recipes and meal prep methods to make the lives of people like me easier. I’ve made it my mission to cut the fluff and provide enough details without being too detailed.
I left my full time salaried job as a firm administrator (a job I held for 10 years) in January 2022 to do this full-time. I love that I can choose my day. There are so many fun facets of being a food blogger! The best part of this job is helping others.
I learned lighting and food photography from Food Blogger Pro, videography and editing from The Bite Shot, Pinterest from Carly Campbell from Pinteresting Strategies and SEO from too many sources to name, but I learned the most from Brandon Gaille from Rank IQ. The blogging community has been the biggest help along the way. I am incredibly grateful to reach an average of 300k visitors per month.
Top 3 favorite keto products
Keto Chow. When I first started the keto diet, I was so overwhelmed by all the different complicated recipes. Since I just got burned financially from a non-keto supplement company prior to starting keto, I was really not ready to jump in with another meal replacement shake.
I enjoyed the ease of a meal replacement shake, but they were always so dang expensive and tasted “okay.” I started drinking Keto Chow in the last year and it has been an absolute game changer for me.
Not only are they an amazing, family-oriented company, they have AMAZING tasting shakes that taste just like the flavor on the label (can you say Apple Pie?)
I can’t imagine one day without my Keto Chow now!
Bulletproof’s Brain Octane Oil. You’ve probably heard that MCT oil is good for the keto diet to increase your fat intake, but this is not your average MCT oil. This C8 which is one of the most pure MCT oil so it’s the most ketogenic.
I won’t bore you with all the scientific details, but this stuff is the best for keeping you in ketosis, staving off hunger, and defeating the dreaded brain fog.
I drink Bulletproof coffee every day with this stuff and their unflavored collagen.
3. Lakanto’s Classic Monk Fruit Sweetener: This keto-approved sweetener has been my go-to for about 4 years.
The taste is perfect, it has no aftertaste whatsoever, and won’t give you a belly ache.
I use it for baking, making keto cocktails, and most importantly sweetening my coffee.
Best of all, it’s an all natural sweetener made from luo han guo or Monk Fruit which is low glycemic and should have little to no affect on your blood sugar levels.
Food Philosophy
Dieting is stressful! But being healthy doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. That’s why my recipes are:
- Healthy, keto & low carb
- 5-7 ingredients or less
- Meal prep and freezer ready
- Easy to make and incorporate into your real life
- Approved by my mom (the busiest person I know!)
I have followed a low carb lifestyle since 2017, some might call it lazy. I call it efficient! Meal prep, especially freezer meals, are a must for keeping my sanity. I get hours back in my evenings because of the miracle of meal prep!
I am a huge believer that anything can be keto-fied. Even desserts 🙂
Visual cheat sheets especially for recipes are a game-changer for sticking with the keto diet. I never have to sift through my crumbled up notes to find my favorite mug cake recipe, it’s printed right in the fridge next to the microwave.
You will never, ever, see my put ketones in my body. My body makes ketones just fine on its own. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling you something that is really not needed to succeed on the keto diet. Run as fast as you can from brands like these! Look for brands that incorporate easy food alternatives without being overly saturated with processed ingredients or loaded with inflated fiber to offset the carbs.
As a disclaimer, while I always strive for original content, some of the recipes on my blog may have been influenced by various sources in the keto world over time and I can’t recall all of them specifically. They are the recipes that helped me tremendously when I first started on the keto diet. If you recognize similarities with another recipe, feel free to reach out to me. I am willing to make amendments if necessary and give credit where it is due.
Connect with Olivia
The best way to contact me:
- Recipe Questions: Drop a comment on the recipe itself. I’ll comment back!
- Social Media: Follow me and engage on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube.
- Keto Recipes Facebook Group: I have a private & free Quick + Easy Keto Recipes group where you can gather with other like-minded keto people, share recipes, and have fun.
- Brand Partnerships: Interested in working with me? Let’s chat here.